Thursday, April 9, 2020

Eat Hummus as a Healthy Snack

Eaten as a Starter before the main course meal of meat in many restaurants in Middle East 

The dish at the center of the picture above is Hummus. Made of Chick Pea, Tahini (ground sesame seeds),olive oil, some lemon, garlic and onion and then put in a processor, the product is  a fine paste and sourey to taste. It taste delicious and should be kept in the refrigerator between each snack. You should be able to buy them from your supermarket, most probably at the dairy produce section. 

It is best eaten as a snack before each meal, usually as a dip, with Naan (oven leavened bread), or crackers.

I did some research and found that each 100 g of Hummus comprises of :

> Calories : 166 
> Fat : 9.6 g 
> Protein : 7.9 g 
> Carbohydrates : 14.3 g
> Fiber : 6.0 g
> Manganese : 39% of RDI (recommended daily intake)
> Copper : 26% of RDI
> Folate  : 21% of RDI
> Magnesium : 18% of RDI
> Phosphorus : 18% of RDI
> Iron : 14 % of RDI
> Zinc : 12% of RDI
> Thiamin : 12% of RDI
> Vitamin B6 : 10% of RDI
> Potassium : 7% of RDI

I never knew we needed so much 'metal' elements as our recommended daily intake ! 

Eaten as a snack or as a meal, together with fruits, it is packed with plant based protein and has a lot of fibre.

One good aspect which has come out from the 1 - 3 month lockdown at home, that is I have started to eat as healthy as I can, fruits and hummus with biscuit as a snack instead of other much more sinful (and heaty most definitely) potato chips, nachos and chocolate !

Carpe Diem. 

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