Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Using Social Media to offer the Greater Good.

I have mentioned before in earlier posts. If we know the enemy, and its make-up, we can defeat it. So COVID -19 (aka SARS COV - 2) is plaguing the whole world since the start of the year. We should, no MUST use all resources at our collective authorities to fight this.

The whole world needs to pool together its resources to overcome it. There are tremendous pitfalls and failures a) politically  b) pyschologically c) socially and d) economically if we fail in this medical war. 


Hence, we now have access to the world wide web where virtually everyone has a smart phone,  and we can share tips, DOs and DONTs of  practically anything pertaining to this pandemic. For example :  What to do if you think you have contracted it, Contact Tracing apps, Take Away Food apps, Where to get Mask apps, Youtube videos of what exactly are coronaviruses, health supplements to eat to maintain your immunity and videos of people who have had it and survived and sadly those who did not. 

My point is that when SARS or SARS COV - 1 was so prevalent  17 years ago , we didn't have any of the above.

So take heart, the vaccine will be ready. It will take some time. HOWEVER, we ALL NEED TO DO OUR PART, TO STAY HEALTHY AND ALIVE, so that our healthcare heroes are not overwhelmed and under equipped.

With my cousin Doris Abisheganaden and her hubby Robert Saunders in Melbourne April 2019 

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