Monday, April 6, 2020

It is during our Darkest Moments that we Focus to See the Light

Do not Despair ; We will Overcome Anything 

6th April 2020. Tomorrow, Singapore goes into Semi- Lockdown mode. The Circuit Breaker is applied. What does this actually mean ? For most parts of Singapore, everyone MUST make every effort to social distance from the people around them. That means at least 1.5 m. I will make my 2 meters. In the US it is 6 feet.

>All schools and Universities will be shut, but classes continue online. Tutorials will be held via many apps like Zoom or Webex.

>No dining out. Only take aways

>Going out will be limited to with 1 family member and only to important places such as supermarkets, wet markets, post offices, drug stores and banks and of course doctors and hospitals . Only key companies in segments vital to the economy will remain open. 

> Everyone is required to stay at home. If you must go out, go out singly and keep the exercise to around the neighbourhood. No group or team games. The Community       
Centres, Country Clubs and all social clubs are closed.

>Keep yourself healthy in as many ways as possible. Mental health is more important as physical health. I mean it in the most serious way. 

> No drinks at the coffeeshop downstairs the block, no gyms open, no pubs, lounges, KTVs, or nightclubs. Restaurants only offer take out service. No plays, theatres and all nightlife will be shut for 1 month. 

>It is absolutely necessary we BRING DOWN the numbers of newly infected. There ialready local transmission which is going on and many are unlinked. So until and after EVERYONE does their part by staying home, and doing the right things, life MAYBE can return back to something resembling our past lives. It will not be easy but truly focus on life and once we get some semblance of control, we CAN then resume something like our past lives used to offer us. 

If NOT, then it will be a massive lockdown with major inconveniences and changes in routines to life, just look at most parts of Europe. It really saddens me.  

For me ? Let me give you my plan for the one month ; I will treat it like a case of 'me time'. Be positive and keep a diary of what I eat, how much I exercise and I will try to lead a balanced lifestyle (easier said than done I know). I also try to get as much sleep as I can for this way, my immunity is as strong as possible to ward off this dreaded virus.

For starters I aim to get 8 hours of solid sleep. Once I awake I am now eating a lot of fruits and fibre for breakfast. Then its upstairs to my 'me room' or attic to telecommute with my staff and check emails with customers. The new normal now is communicating with many apps from Zoom, and now Team for meetings online.

Plus points is that, I can take naps as and when the mind gets tired. And showers when it gets too hot. My attic is not airconditioned and I like it that way. 

Focus on doing what is right, then everything will be alright. 

We will find the vaccine, and when that day comes, then we can truly move on.

Till that day,its time to batten down the hatches and press on.

Stay Home, Save Lives, The Lives you save may be yours and your loved ones. 

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