Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Good Aspect of COVID - 19 Pandemic

Yes, I am not crazy. Yes, like billions of others I am also at home, trying my hardest to make sense and social distance during this semi-lockdown period.

The damage done by the COVID-19 is far from over, USA has over 20,000 deaths, with Italy and Spain not far off.  People are losing loved ones, young and especially old to this horrible pandemic, families are heatbroken,hospital systems are overworked, nurses, healthcare providers and doctors are overwhelmed by the sheer scale and rapidity of its impact.

I am truly saddened and horrified at its force in bringing so many countries, especially in Western and Eastern Europe to their knees economically. S.E.Asia is also badly hit too.

In time, if not now, there is also the social, psychological, economic and political impact to each and every country which will take years to repair. 

Indeed we will rise above this. The collective human will is much stronger than this. I am sure of it. 

This virus is a bitch. 

The best case scenario for an effective vaccine is September, and I estimate only before end of this year, we will get the vaccine. I fear for the lesser off countries and the world is bracing for further mutations and what we need to do COLLECTIVELY to mitigate it and stamp it out TOGETHER. 

If we remain diivided and continue to finger point, I think, this will be with us for a LONG TIME.

Having given a short preamble of this horrible pandemic, what are the good aspects or signs 'green shoots' which can be made out from all this chaos ?

1. Nature is fighting back against human economic development. Industrialising countries in lockdown and staying at home have led to clear blue skies, fresh air never seen before in decades.

2. Birds, and animals are reclaiming their lost territories. I wake up and for the first time hear the birds merrily chirping in the bamboo or frangipani tress in my small garden.

3. Families are eating together, making small talk, re-establishing lost ties through the simplest of things. I am making plans with my elder son to play chess together, something which we never in our wildest dreams thought this would happen in our daily busy lives.

4. People have plenty of time for self reflection. This is the best time to sit back and think where I am in life. What can be improved, whose friendships I really treasure and those who don't matter. 

5. The humane spirit is alive and strong. I have personally sent masks to 5 different groups of people affected by this and contribute financially (cash gifts) to the less well off through charities.

6.I'm having lots of sleep, I eat a lot more fruits, dine at home 3 times a day, and reduced my snacking (chips et al) down to a minimum. I exercise everyday at home in my small attic room, with phone apps like losing belly fat in 30 days (using High Impact Intensity Training), doing the various karate katas. I am hopeless at getting a 6 pack, so a more gentle goal like losing belly fat seems more achievable to me. 

The body has never felt better. 

Keep healthy and well. 

Wear a Mask when going out. Wash our Hands ever so often.

Don't touch our faces when outside, or before washing.

Stay 2 meters apart. 

Stay Alive. 

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