Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rave Running Route - Goldhill Estate

Imagine running on the road which is flanked on both sides by large trees. Your run will be taking you to a place
unlike any place in Singapore,with only very little traffic (depends on time of day). In the mornings at 6am or
so there are only 1 to 5 cars driving by during your entire run. You will cover some small hills, a hidden
forest with huge trees and wild cockatoos. No kidding,in urbanised built-up Singapore near the heart
of Orchard Road is this gem of a running route - Goldhill Estate.
Run for as long or as short as you like, my distance is normally 5 km to 10 km depending on time of day and
what available time I have. Most times its either in the early mornings or early evenings. Its better to run in the
mornings as the air is crisp and the trees have some morning dew. You feel great after a morning run.
Now where did I put my alarm clock ?!!

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