People have many different hobbies, one of my favourites which has been life- changing is running. To differentiate between a runner and a jogger is this. To jog,
you basically have no fixed agenda,judging your distance by how far you will go and
when you have sweated enough or your legs feel tired, you stop.It can be for 10 minutes to anything up to 1 hour.
Runners on the other hand, have prepared the following :
a) Map out the distance in their minds on how far to run
b) Control their running speeds by benchmarking their stride lengths and pace
on the treadmill - at least I have. My pace is approx. 6 minutes per km
depending on terrain,slope,traffic and running partner
c) Time themselves over a fixed distance and try to improve that time after
several weeks of running that distance. This is what I call the PB or
Personal Best Time.
d) Use the best 'equipment' in the form of proper running shorts and shirt
plus most importantly the shoes. I personally like the ASICS Kayano having
used 5 updates since 2003.
Why ?
Its the million dollar question, why ? Do I like to torture myself,
feel that the pain is retribution for the good life I am used to ? The
answer is not that simple but a combination of things :
a) HEALTH IS IMPROVED - Vigorous exercise,particualrly aerobic exercise,
will release certain chemicals in the body called endorphins
with experiences similar to small doses of morphine which
are pleasure producing. This is natural,healthy and helps the
body feel 'good' plus improve its immune system tremendously.
I have found that through running, my appetite has been curbed,
I have experienced weight loss of 3 - 4 kg permanently (last 5 years),
I tend to eat more healthily, as a balanced and light meal is more
easily digested.
b) GOAL SET ; It provides me with a Goal at the beginning or at the end
of a hard day.
c) SOLITUDE - Imagine being by yourself, with no one but the wind in
your hair, the crispness of your footsteps,the controlled breathing.
It is the SOLITUDE (by oneself) when during the day, there are
deadlines to meet,vendors to pay, unhppy customers to attend to,
family,friends,colleages and pesky Salesmen !
d) INDEPENDENT THINKING - When you run, you have time to THINK INDEPENDENTLY
I can map out strategy for my company,solve petty
problems and DREAM BIG free from any distractions.
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