Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trail Run - Lornie Trail x 2, MacRitchie Reservoir Park

Yesterday I ran 2 loops of Trail Run at MacRitchie Reservoir Park off Lornie Road.First loop is the Lornie Trail Men's route starting at the MaxRitchie Fitness Park (Chinup Bar, Situp etc.) and takes me right into the trail which can be quite straining as
it covers a total of 4.2 km in the jungle and the footpath is very uneven with rocks,stones,tree roots,fallen branches,
crevices in the path plus there will be pools and mud if it had rained earlier in the day.

Distance - 8km, 1st Loop 4.2 km trail run to Golf Club perimeter to outer Lornie Road and return via main Lornie Road
2nd Loop 3.8 km all in the trail (see Picture at the Top)

Date : Saturday 21st June 2008

Time - 48 minutes or roughly 6 minutes/km ; Start 5.00 pm Finish : 5.48 pm

Shoes - New Balance 1223

Pros - Tree canopy cover makes it a nice cool run, the monkeys and monitor lizards add to the interesting bits.

Cons - The uneven ground,the stones and rocks,tree roots means you always have to pay attention to the
path ahead. It can get quite crowded with people certain times of day.

Verdict - Interesting variation to Road Running which is pretty even and smooth. Not Recommended for people
with Knee or Joint Problems and its very challenging especially running downslopes and avoiding the
crevices on the ground.

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