Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday - a misnomer or wrong choice of title

Today is the day Christians around the world celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ from the dead. He was crucified on a Friday (Good Friday), for no apparent reason by the Roman occupiers of Israel and died, entombed. 

On the Sunday, 2 disciples and Mary Magdelene went to the tomb to clean it, to their amazement, the tomb door made of solid rock was moved aside and the wrappings around his body were strewn inside.

He appeared in front of many people people before he went up to Heaven, and that is why Christians around the world celebrate his rebirth or Resurrection. So in actual fact, it is called Resurrection Sunday. 

Easter happens to be a pagan (no religion) festival which occurs at the start of each Spring,parents hide the chocolate eggs for their kids to find  and enjoy. It was a convenient way to coincide Easter with Resurrection Sunday, as it as easier to pronounce I guess.   

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