Monday, April 30, 2012

Friends are the 'family' you choose for life

                                                       Wing Sun, Andrew,Noel and Wing Onn in Dec 2009
                                                                Mohammad Ali Mosque, Egypt

      We all have friends, some claim to have thousands, as evidenced in their Facebook profiles, while some have but a few. I can claim to have a group of perhaps 20 friends from all walks of life who I can really call 'true friends' as they will be there through the good as well as the bad times.

     When we are young, we are not as discerning as when we are middle aged. So we make friends like we drink cans of Coca Cola, not knowing that some may eventually be unhealthy for you.

     However, family is all important, as is the good values one has learnt walking through life.Honesty, Patience, Compassion, Focus and Hard Work are some values. Standing true to your Friends is also another golden value.Easy to make a friend but very hard to help them when the time does come. Money or the lack of it will always test the true meaning of 'lending a helping hand'.

     Even Simon Peter in the Bible betrayed Jesus when he was questioned about his relationship with Jesus. 

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