Sunday, April 8, 2012

How do you tell if a stall or a restaurant serves good tasting and value for money food ?

By the length of its queue of course ! 

           I have reached the age where I feel that life is too short to be drinking cheap wine, eating lousy and fast food and wasting precious time on pandering to other people's expectations. Food, which is tasty, should also (ideally) contain as little pork fat, ghee (animal fat), butter, and as little reused cooking oils as possible. It should also have some fibre, and offer as lean a cut of meat as possible offering protein, calcium and some carbohydrates. As little processed food, like nitrites, sodium phospates and preservatives as possible.

          Also, I try to eat everything in moderation, and drink as many as 10 glasses of water per day.

          Nutrients would be from fresh fruit and vegetables, plus my daily dose of health supplments.

           That would leave me with steamed fish, fresh fruits, muesli, and certain high end restautants which  cost up to $50 per person just for 1 meal !  I am joking of course. I do enjoy hawker food, but have abstained totally from the following due to the high amounts of fats and oils :

a) Char kway teow
b) Oyster omelette
c) Mutton soup (Soup Kambing)
d)  Most lab dishes 
e) Curries (limited to perhaps 1 x a month)
f) Fast food like KFC, Old Chang Kee, Macdonalds, and Buger King

        As I approach the big 5 - 0, I think, a complete overhaul of my eating preferences and dietary habits are due. 

        Health is indeed wealth. Seize the Day. Carpe Diem.  

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