Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life is like playing Sudoku

     Living life is like playing a game of Sudoku. For those new to the game, it is all about filling out 9 squares with numbers ranging from 1 to 9 with no repetitions in any square or line, horizontal or vertical. Once you have 2 of the same numbers on any line (except diagonal), you have made a mistake.

     Its very easy to learn, but like most things in life, very difficult to master. I have been playing Sudoku for almost 10 years if I can recall. So after playing for alomost 10 years I thought I could do practically any Sudoku,having ,mastered the techniques of elimination, Gwendolin's thread in the forest, pairs and finally just counting numbers. I was wrong. So practice does make one very adept at the game, but like life, you get thrown a 'curve ball' and all of a sudden, you are stuck at a game and wondering what ever happened to your sense of logic, or even couting skills.

     So my conclusion for Sudoku ? Play the game, but sometimes, we get stumped and are thrown down unceremoniously to the basic beginner level every once in a while, just like Snakes and Ladders.

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To counter the loss of flexibility and balance on the onset of old age. practice martial arts or yoga

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