Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank you for 4 eventful years !

With cousin Gerard in Kuala Lumpur 2009

      May 1st 2008 was the first time I started this blog. The title Seize the Day (not original I must admit,but meaningful to me) was an obvious choice. Since then, there have been almost 25,000 page views, yes the Blog counter is off some 8 thousand, but the kind people at Blogger have a tracking software on the total number of pageviews plus where and how many eyeballs per post.

     Interestingly, my main readers are from North America, and I have a total of 9 followers. These people routinely read my blog for entertainment and curiosity I guess, so somewhere out there are people who know alot about me, and I, nothing or next to nothing about them.

      In the 4 years since I started my blog, both my beloved parents passed away. My father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden on 20th September 2010 and my mother Anna Abisheganaden on 8th January 2011. I used the blog to express my sorrow and also inform those friends and family who are thousands of kilometers about their passing. My uncles Paul,Felix and auntie Terry also passed on. On a brighter note, I completed 2 more marathons in 2010 and 2011 respectively and learnt a whole new sport and lifestyle, skiing, these 4 to 5 years.  In addiion, I relearnt my piano last year (2011) and wonders of wonders, I joined this cult association called Facebook !  In reality, it should be called Wastebook, as a lot of idle time (as if I have alot of it ! ) is spent reading and looking at friends activities and posting of mine.

    Travel wise, I have visited 8 countries to add to the list, such as Egypt, Hungary, France, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), India and I am still very happy to say that Singapore is the best place to live for ME. I hope in the next 4 years to add to that list, so must visit countries such as Russia, Czech Republic, Taiwan, New Zealand, Lithuania, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Argentina.

      My business has expanded quite a bit, and we are offering test services now, rather than just distributing of industrial equipment. We have business in 5 countries and our partners are mainly from Asia. I am confident that the Asian century will be one of great accomplishment for my company, its partners and the employees.
    My boys are both teenagers now, 18 and 15 by the end of this year. Finally I will be approaching the big 5 - 0 (half century mark) by this year end and I sincerely hope that I have spent my time productively and give back to society and the people who matter most to me, my wife, my family, true friends and my supporter customers.

Carpe Diem !!!   Seize the Day !!!


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