Friday, April 19, 2019

Zeitgeist - Spirit of the Times

Coronation of Ramses II Relief at a Temple in Karnak, Luxor 

I am reading an outstanding book called Ikigai by neuroscientist Ken Mogi. It tells of the respect for small things in the Japanese way of life and it has given me a massive paradigm shift on aspects and focus on life itself. I will analyse and discuss the 5 pillars of Ikigai at another post sometime.

The word zeitgeist was used with such eloquence in the book, literally from the the German phrase Zeit - time and Geist - ghost, it means the ghost with the times. Many of us view the world and history with the lens of the current zeitgeist. But what is the current zeitgeist ?

From what I read, experience and sense, the current zeitgeist is one of cultural decline, the surge of the ego and general unhappiness with one's lot in life unless one is travelling the world taking selfies and showing everyone what he ate of breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

I am partly guilty of that and will need to take a proper countercheck on that. 

In my opinion, the spirit of the current times feels like we are living in times of diverse income inequality and the general sense that only a lucky few who have money,status and connections have it good while the rest of us toil like minions like a cog in a gigantic machine.

Do we as a nation or people have collective vision for the greater good of our country and selves ? 

Carrying the weight of the World

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