Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Meeting Family in Melbourne April 4th 2019

Doris and Robert Saunders in Melbourne 4th April 2019

During my trip to Canberra Australia earlier this month, I seized upon the chance to do a short domestic trip down to Melbourne where my cousin Doris Abisheganaden and her lovely husband Robert Saunders live.

Doris and Robert have migrated to Melbourne Australia since the 70s and are Australian citizens living in the suburbs of Melbourne. I had a great time catching up with both Doris and Robert who were wonderful dinner hosts to this uptight Singaporean cousin.

My late father Geoffrey and her father Felix were 2nd and 3rd brothers in the family where there were 5 boys and 2 girls growing up. 

Doris gave me a wonderful insight about my Papa before he met my Mum and the things he did with the other Uncles when they were all living under one massive bungalow house off Sophia Road way back in the 50s and early 60s before my brother and I were even born !

The wonder of rekindling blood relationship made my trip Down Under all the more precious.

Thank you Doris and Robert !    

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