Monday, June 24, 2019

To do a task well, go right to the core of the action and understand each step fully.

I have been folding my duvet, or comforter every morning for about 4 months now. This is due to the fact that I sleep on a tatami mat and the duvet and the tatami mat need to be folded every morning after I get out of bed and before I head to work. 

This task has evolved every since I read somewhere that by starting the day with doing small tasks with pride, I accomplish something and that small something is my 'reward' for that day even though the events of that day may be very unfulfilling or comprised of firefighting meetings, and doing things in the name of project completion, paperwork (form submissions and similar stuff like that).

                                                         Niccolo Machiavelli
Today I had difficulty folding the duvet into a nice form - it was lumpy and the duvet did not fold symmetrically. I realised that all along, I had not gotten into the covers of the duvet, and moved the inner down material such that every part inside the duvet is in proportion and equally spread out INSIDE the duvet. 

So I had to take the extra time to get inside, open the duvet through unbuttoning the sides and physically moving the down material inside. Bottom line of this trivial story is this ; 

If you want to do something really well, do not just "go through the motions", get down and dirty and open up and find out every and each thing, fully understand the workings, advantages and disadvantages of the placement of the inner down material, once settled, seal it up and the issue is once and for all, settled.

Then and only then I am able to resolve the problem of lumpiness and then fold the duvet into the nice shape that is is now, sitting in one corner of my bedroom.

Trivia, but message is this ; focus and get into the core of the task, understand each step of your task well, then you can say you have mastered the task.


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