Thursday, June 27, 2019

Unforgettable Egypt Dec 2009

The ubiquitous camel by the Pyramids of Giza

My family made a year end trip, a 13 day trip to Egypt in 2009. To me, this was a game changer as to how I understood the way civilization was and after that trip, I came to realise that Mankind in is present form has been around for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of years. 

The Pyramids of Giza were built sometime from 3000 BC to 1000 BC when Egypt was at the height of its political, military and economic power. To see the remnants of the death monuments as well as the many 'ships' which would transport the Pharoahs, their wives and their favourite eunuchs to the afterlife was something of a gamechanger for me. 

These early people had indepth knowlegdge in engineering technology, science, mathematics and astology some 5000 years ago ! Their artefacts and their monuments are just another testament to the rise and fall of the powerful nations past and present. 

Beside the Relief of Ramses II at Luxor Temple, 2009 

In the following posts I will show some of our pictures taken when we were in the cruise ship for 4 days starting from Luxor to Aswan, passing Kom Ombo. No other country to date can take away my fascination about the country of Egypt which I have visited only but once.   

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