Wednesday, August 21, 2013

4 months till the Marathons silly season

          It will only be slightly more than 4 months till the Silly Season of the year end Marathons for me. This year, I promise it will be different. I want to be fit enough to run 2 or even 3 marathons, some of them overseas. So I am prepping myself physically and mentally to get the body conditioned to be able to run the whole 42.195km for at least 2 times this year.

        Provided I take care of my limbs, have the daily supplements, and not over-exert myself, I believe I can achieve this goal without too much of a stretch to my system. I recall today while running, that 10 years ago around this time, I was getting on the road to my physical peak of my 40s (that was in 2006 - 2007), so this time 10 years later, I am again trying for one last hurrah - in my 50s. So 2 marathons this year would be my target. Normally the body would then indicate to my it was overstraining itself, and naturally I would return to my lazy self.

     If I can maintain my fitness level at this peak for about 6 months after the year end, there are 2 wonderful marathons I would love to try 1. Paris (April each year)   and 2. London (May each year).Then I would really have the bragging rights to say I have run International marathons !!

     Boston, Chicago and New York would then be achievable goals.  

     I believe I can achieve it with the correct planning, determination and resilience as before. 

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