Friday, August 9, 2013

View from Eiffel Tower ; La Defense

                                         The View of Paris from the Eiffel Tower, only building is La Defense

      I read some years back, this wonderful story about the German Governor, General Dietrich Hugo von Chiltitz, who was in charge of defending Paris (during Germany's occupation of the France during the 2nd World War), in 1944. Once D - Day came on June 6th 1944, the Germans bid a hasty retreat and sometime in September, the Allies troops were within capturing distance of the city.

      The SS (or Secret Police) had ordered the General to burn Paris and all its monuments, so that the victorious Allies would be left with the hulk of the city. The General, actually disobeyed the instructions and withdrew. It was disputed who actually delayed the planned explosions, but my guess is that the French Resistance and American Allies were busy negotiating this so a major catastrophe had been averted.

      So the title of the book "Is Paris Burning ?" was very apt.

     Paris, the city is full of iconic structures. France probably was once a Great Power during the 1600 -1800s during the Renaissance Period, however, many of its economic and political powers have been much reduced in the last 50 years rendering it to be like a Third World Country with slums and poverty all around. Paris has seen better days. 

     However, as a Fashion Capital, it is still right there at the top. All the brand names, Hermes, LV, Givenchy, Giorgio Armani, Jill Sander, Prada, Balenciaga etc. all have their flagship stores of Europe right smack at Georges V, or Avenue Champs Elysee. The real estate rents or sales are probably in the millions of Euro per month.   

     I find the city quite charming, and the French cuisine is practically the best in Europe. French people can be very welcoming, provided you speak their language. English is a language best reserved when mingling with the shop assistants in the branded boutiques.

     I found this anecdote quite amusing. In 2008, my wife and I went to Paris for several days, and we arranged to meet for lunch at the Printemps rooftop. I had 'learnt' some basic French (French in 1 day), so was using it for all kinds of interaction with the people. I found them quite approachable, back to the lunch, so when we decided to order, I chose the steak and fries and placed my order in French. The chef, was responding to me in kind, in French and even grinned and me. Next behind me, came this burly American, and he ordered the same thing in English. The French chef put on a dour face and handled his order quite rudely, and dumped the steak on his plate !

      In Rome, do what the Romans do, in Paris, same thing, speak French and be treated like a guest of a Once Great Power. Act like a dumb American and be prepared to be insulted !!

     Seize the Day.  


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