Monday, August 26, 2013

Gender Bias

Socialite Jamie Chua

        I read a very enlightening book called Lean In by the COO of Facebook, Ms. Sheryl Sandberg. In it, she highlighted the fact that women in modern society face a negative bias when they are rich, successful and pretty.  They are always criticized for the way they look. If they look  really good, glamorous or sexy, other women (especially) will label them as 'sluts' or women of vile character  who use their sexiness to make that pile of cash.

        Terms such as 'bitch' , 'ah lian made good', 'back-stabber' and 'sleeping to the top' are bandied around as the reasons why they make it. On the contrary, the lady may very well be talented, speaks her mind, and seizes opportunities (just like any man) to make it. So why are  so hard on their 'sisters' she asks ?

        On the other hand, if a man has made it to the top of the business world and socializes with the captains of industry. Have you heard anyone claim that he 'slept his way to the top', 'slutty' or has a 'vile character'  ?  So why the double standards ?

        Men and women give women a doubly hard time to get there. Gender bias. It exists in our society and its time we changed our mindsets and let women 'come to the table' to talk,debate and even rule the organization.

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