Tuesday, August 20, 2013

'Mutt Dou Chee' and 'Mutt Dou Oi'

                                                With my then manager and friend, C.H. Teo 

        We all have at least one such friend who is a Mr. or Ms. 'Know it All', the Cantonese Phrase for this is Mutt Dou Jee. They are the little irritating but generally nice people who happen to know the exact value of Pi till the last 20th decimal.  (pi = 3.14xxxxxx).  

         These people somehow stay up late at night mugging about any useless details about when the next fun runs to get goodie bags and where the best char kuay teow, lor mee or bak kut teh  and prawn noodels  stalls are or when the free $4 coupons come available from the Shell stations. They are by no means penny pinching, but looking out for the best deals.  
          In short, they are the Penny Wise people. Good for the details and small numbers. Useful to have around and makes life interesting for Big Picture folk like me.

         Mutt Do Oi are people who want everything in life and more. Again I know my fair share of these people. They scrimp and save and eat the cheapest hawker foods, only to then invest in multi-million dollar properties and continue investing in them ad nauseum like there is no tomorrow.

       I want everything and more. Free is better. 

      Again, they irritate me, but then they are harmless to me.

     To these people, do learn one thing, you are not rich till you start to spend on your family and friends.  Life is indeed short.

     Seize the Day.


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