Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Live Each Day Like its the Last Day of your Life

        Steve Jobs is credited (recently) for this. He is right. Somewhat. When you live to a certain age, you realise that the days left in your life is numbered, some less some more. But finite. I am periodically reminded that mortality impacts every single one of us. No excuses, no deferments, no bullshit. You die and end of story.

       So, lets take the mindset that we will die tomorrow. What would you do differently ? Well take me for example. I'm truly middle aged, young old (old would be 70 and above, and old old would be 90) and I am sure my perception of how 'old' is to me will change if I ever hit any of the numbers I stated above. I'm giving these 3 days some serious thought and want to change certain mindsets (its called mind sets for good reason).

       What does a 99 year old man (more likely woman) look forward to ? Her 100th birthday. Perhaps, but she needs the gift of sanity, good memory, not failing eyesight, hearing and mobile limbs. Core strength is definitely a must have. If she does not have a certain quality of life, what good is there to live for herself ?  To live for her grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren would surely give her joy but if in her weakened state, she cant even enjoy the simplest of pleasures like a walk (or a wheeled push) in the park, then its no point pushing on - regardless of age - if she can't feed, be mobile and think for herself. Agree ?

      So lets live each day like its the last day of our lives. What would my outlook be :

a) Laugh more

b) Worry Less

c) Enjoy the moment

d) Do meaningful things to me and to those around me

e) Be better than yesterday.

There it is ;  Forget status, money, fame, power, authority or fawning fans. When you are going to die the next day ; you will focus on what is important to you and your loved ones.

                                                       SEIZE THE DAY 


Monday, December 27, 2021

We subconciously set Roadblocks in our Children's minds - stop this if you want your child to excel and reach for the stars

Playing on top of Papa's SimCar  (1969)

Some random thoughts always get into my mind during a long run and I cannot but write them down as these may be pearls of wisdom to people who like to read my blog.

About 2 weeks ago, as I was running at East Coast Parkway and reaching the end of my 6km run, I ran past this young mother who was shepherding her young precocious daughter on a skate skooter. The little girl was merrily scootering down the empty pathway and was trying to make some little swerves at a relatively slow speed.

Her mother, who was some 10 meters behind was yelling at the top of her voice, "No Natalie, don't go too fast, dont swerve, you will fall". The obedient girl would normally follow the strict instruction and slow down - and not know her skating limit. Its the same with life. If our parents over parent us, we will never fall down face flat and discover what or how difficult life is when you hit bottom. The climb back (some may never be able to but safely 99% of us will) will make us wiser.    

Parents, let your kids grow and learn at their peril. We learn best when we fall down, take a beating, possibly cry, and realise how stupid trying that triple flip backwards or doing stupid stuff.

My childhood taught me how to take care of myself. I had numerous scrapes and near misses, I was almost blinded in 1 eye, I almost fell 2 stories and broke my back, was hit in the face by a sharp stone and bled during a neighbourhood stone fight between the Malay kampung boys and the next door Chinese boys, tried to be superman and jumped 10 steps trying to reach a water pipe and failed and ended with 6 stitches on my forehead. I was a dumb kid - but oh such a glorious childhood - carefree - and fun filled days and nights. 

If I could ever turn back time and go to a time in my life, the first 10 - 12 years of my life would be the first time period I would chose. Again and Again. 

I would never have traded those days for a million dollars or more. Those were the days of my childhood and I totally enjoyed every single minute of it. I learnt about bravery, stupidity, sticking to friends, stone can hurt, and falls can maim and kill. 

Nowadays kids play in a virtual world - blasting bad guys through all manner of weaponry - but definitely my days of games were 110 % pure adrenalin enjoyment cost was totally free.  

Parents let your children learn from their falls, their mistakes and their humiliations early in life.

They will thank you for it - when they are fully grown adults. 

Family circa 1970 

Carpe Diem. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Story of my 4 Caps ; Cap 1 F1 - 2010 Fairmont Hotel F1 Cap (2010)


Beautifully embroidered Cap 

I have a grand total of 4 Caps which I keep at home. They have been bought over the space of the last 10 years and I am proud to show them off. They have no intrinsic value but the sentimental value of these caps are priceless. Above and below is Cap No. 1. This was bought around the time when the F1 first came to town, in 2008. However, I recall I bought this cap in 2010, as my friends from Germany Meike and her fiance Florian were coming to Singapore for a visit and this was a momento for me.

The embroidery on the cap is quite intricate, and the colours comprise my favourite, red with trimmings of white and gold on a black background. It was pricey then but I would not part ways with it for any sum of money.

I believe I took this cap with me on my trips to Europe from 2016 - 2019 to ward off any water droplets on my head, especially in cold and dreary London. I am blessed to still have a full head of hair, and this cap reminds me of the time (pre COVID) when the  F1 circus was one of the highlights to end the calendar year, the other 2 being the Standard Chartered Marathon (normally the first Sunday of December) my yearly 2 week plus trip to Europe - the last 4 years anyway, until COVID -19 interrupted worldwide leisure travel in a big big way.

I am confident the world will recover from COVID - 19 in a big big way. By mid 2022, most of the wealthier countries would have the dreaded virus well under control. 

Hopefully then, we can carry on with our lives as before.

Wishful Thinking ?  

Monday, December 20, 2021

Congratulations WBF Champion Loh Kean Yew !

We have a World Champion within our shores. Singapore is so fortunate to have talented, skillful, dedicated and hardworking player in Mr. Loh Kean Yew.

Massive Congratulations to him, his family for their dedication, the team, the sports scientists and the multitude of supporting people who made this victory possible.Take a bow, this fair weathered fan (me) is so proud to be a Singaporean who, honestly didn't think  he would get farther than the 3rd round. The Sports 2030 envisioned by Minister Chan then Sports Minister was rocketed into the minds of people in 2012.In 2014 the new National Stadium, as well as the Sports Institute got off the ground.

In a small way QRA International has also helped (I believe) in KY's success.

QRA International in 2015 and 2016 sold an athletic chamber to Singapore Sports Institute and while we were commisisoning the system, we understood that the chamber is supposed to enhance performance of elite athletes by producing oxygen poor conditions, (up to 5000 m or approximately 11.5 % O2 from sea level
which has 20.9% oxygen).

The science is such. At O2 of 20.9% or sea level, say a top athlete can run at 3mins 30s seconds per km on the treadmill for say 1 hour. He inhales copious amounts of air of 20.9% oxygen. If that atmospheric air is now reduced to 18.5%, surely his performance will be degraded as oxygen is the fuel the body uses to create energy in aerobic exercises of which running is one such aerobic sport or exercise. 

To suddenly induce the air to be 18.5% in O2, the body of the elite athlete must be trained to be as much as 30% more efficient in take up of oxygen, provided the same VO2 max in oxygen is needed to produce the same result = speed in performance. 

This drastic cut in oxygen forces the blood platelets to be much more efficient for top fit people such as athletes and transport the depleted air (say 2000 m which has about 18.6% O2) which they are inhaling to various parts of the body at double quick time. The VO2 Max is also improved tremendously as the oxygen take up rate by the elite athlete is 

As a result the efficiency of dispersion of the O2 for these athletes in the rarified atmosphere inside the chamber can supercharge the person when he returns to play or exercise at normal atmospheric levels (20.9%).

This is the effect the chamber has on elite individuals. If they can train in oxygen reduced environments, then when they actually compete in normal atmosphere and O2 20.9%, suddenly their performance jumps exponentially.

Sports Institute Singapore has used the chamber successfully since 2016, and its 5 years since those backbreaking and stressful days of commissioning the chamber.

I am glad - and hopeful - that the chamber was put to good use - and has had a small part to play in his superlative performance in Heuleva yesterday evening.

All Hail the new Champion Loh Kian Yew !

Carpe Diem !


Sunday, December 19, 2021

The shallowness of people ; I am sometimes guilty of it. - Our Athletic Chamber may have helped his Success ?

The stunning success of Loh Kean Yew at the World Badminton Federation, where he has shocked many top seeds and made it to the Final tonight in Spain, has left me totally speechless. Kudos and great appreciation to this young man who fought against the odds and is one win away from a historic gold for Singapore which we have never excelled.

It also raises the questions about how fickle (me included) we are as a nation. We love winners, and never the people who Cannot Make It in the world stage. We (I am but one) love winners, and forget totally about the Also Rans. We never ever give appreciation and regard to 

a) appreciating the years of backbreaking hard work, sweat, toil,tears, blood and sacrifice that he has accumulated to reach this status.

b) all his compatriots (Ms Yeo Jia Min is another excellent player) who have toiled week in week out with nary a compliment, but lots of scolding, coaxing and sleepless nights, training, discipline and tears who made 4th or 6th in the regional championships.

This shows we Singaporeans, by and large are just armchair critics not lifting anything more than a Lays Nachos and moan and groan when our athletes never make it to the world stage.

Shame on Us. Shallow Singaporeans. 

Time for Singaporeans to stop being so mamby pamby and actually follow, not support the various sports (choose a few) and even spend some time playing, just to determine how difficult the sport is to play, let alone Excel.

Its time now to Pitch for a product distributed and installed by my company QRA International.

The Athletic Chamber with Hypoxic Function 

QRA has since 2014 sold and installed a number of Sports Athletic Chambers worldwide and I hope the player Loh Kean Yew has had an opportunity to improve his stamina, and performance from training and reduced oxygen levels at the Sports Institute of Singapore. Why am I so confident ? Because QRA sold and installed such a chamber to Singapore Sports Institute in 2016 for the sole purpose of research and elite player performance enhancement. 

Kudos to the player, win or lose. This shallow Singaporean together with millions of his compatriots will be rooting for you tonight ! 

It is my sincere hope that he had used the equipment to aid in his overall performance and development of his game since 2016, when QRA International (I personally ) spent days, months and spilt blood, sweat and money to  commission the equipment all those long and tiring days ago.

Seize the Day Kean Yew !  Bring Glory to our Singapore. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Stay Humble, Stay Hungry and Learn. The Way forward for me.

This world is full of challenges, inconsistencies, and downright unfair. This is my insight after having worked a total of 7 years for an American company, and another 25 years for myself and my partners.

As I had mentioned in an earlier post some time ago, it is necessary to have a Raison D'ete or a reason for living. Mine has and will always be to help the less fortunate where I can and be a good person to my family, immediate, extended and to my friends.

Work or business is the cornerstone for me to get up every day. At the end, I want to make a difference to the lives of people around me, and I am not afraid to be unpopular or speak my mind of my opinions.

Once I have established a recurring source of income (or several), I pledge to then go and assist those who genuinely need some assistance, not for fame or glory, not for some return favor but to make this unjust world a better place in my small space.

The 5 tenets of Ikiigai

1. Start small

2. Find  my Flow

3. Set Aside my Ego

4. Discover my Passion

5. Find Joy in the Little Things.

I started small for the business, just as I started small with my expectations for my running and martial arts some 20 years ago. As with every goal, these are my hobbies and there were setbacks (injuries). In business I needed to be very mindful that just one mistake could probably be fatal, The COVID is the unknown unknown which in Nicholas Taleb's words, a "black swan" event which if handled or strategised right, could either make or break my little business.

Set my goals ; once I have reached them. Sit back and enjoy the view. Life is too short to ignore the beautiful things in life which go about without me ever noticing them. 


Christmas Drinks with Good Friends 16th Dec 2021 


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Musings on a birthday, and after a memorable run at East Coast Park

                                                                    8 km done and dusted. 

Today I turned a year older. Hopefully wiser and most definately weaker in the physical sense of things. 

However, as I ran a fast 4 km for the first part of the run this morning (starting at 6.35 am) and then trotted back the remaining 4km for the second part of my run, I am reminded that indeed I will be running and coming to the last km of my life sooner rather than later.

What have I learned ? What do I want to continue to do ? Am I happy ? 
What's Next ? 

What have I learned ?

I have learned that achievement in life comes to those who have a goal, and strive hard to make those goals a reality. I have set myself goals for close to 20 years and I have missed many but also hit a number too. I have also set a Raison D'ete for my life and it is my mission statement.

I have learned that humility is a virtue and that in everything you need to start small and grow from there. Setbacks are part of the learning process and people with the toughest mindsets and most positive attitudes more often than not, succeed in achieveing their goals. Pain, luck in buckets, sacrifice, sweat, some blood and some tears are the price of success. There is no short cuts to achieving huge goals.

Huge goals can and must be broken down to bite sized ones and from the accumulation of each bite sized goal, you can one day build up your abilities or whatever you want to get to in life, with determination, perseverance and sheer hard work.

What do I want to continue to do ? 

I want to a) have a humble and positive attitude that as my business continues to grow from strength to strength, I can rely on my family, close friends and school mates for support during the toughest times. Today I want to applaud the people who stood by me. My wife, family, good friends from school, karate mates, classmates from SMU and my far flung family all over the world.

b) be able to transmit good values like honesty, hard work, positive attitude, and committment to a cause to teach the next generation as these will always be relevant in any times now and in the future.

c) to be selective with whom I want to associate with. Time is of the essence, and I cannot be omnipresent and omnipotent. It is impossible. I will need to say "no" many times as I do have a goal and a set time frame to achieve that goal. 

d) to be able to be a mentor and a good friend when I am called upon - for the right cause.

e) To continue to stop and smell, appreciate the roses, and the bad stuff like birdshit and mess. For without this mess, I would not fully appreciate when something truly is good. If I eat sharks fin every day, I will appreciate it less and find it increasingly mundane. Hence, when life gives us lemons, we need to make lemonade with them - not curse why we receive such lousy fruit which is so bitter and practically inedible.

Am I happy ?

I am not miserable. I am satisfied with my station in life. So by that token I can say I am reasonably happy with the way things have turned out for me.

Happiness should not be viewed as an ends by itself but as a by-product of one's life when he or she chooses wisely and attains what he sets out to do.

There will be sad and sorrowful days, I am sure. That is what life is all about. Its how we deal with these situations which are thrust to us, sometimes in the most unfortunate manner and we have to be adaptable and motivated to get out of that situation or make the best of that very difficult situation.

What's Next ?

I will need to think deeply on this and give my findings in the next posts hopefully before end of the year. 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Wolves bring Title Chasers West Ham down to Earth with Great Display of Teamwork !

Improve Every Run (recovery) by doing this first

Thoughts after having had a bout of COVID

 Its been 2 weeks since my return to normal life after testing positive for COVID. I was fortunate to have a very mild case of it, and my symptoms were typical of an asymptomatic patient.

I did not have any fever, body aches, running nose.

I only had some sore throat, and a dry cough which came and went.

The most telling symptom of the COVID was the loss of smell and taste. This most precious of my body's function came back after 5 days and I am so thankful for this. 

So, 2 days before the very day when I tested positive, I had an inkling that I may have been exposed to it, as my friend whom I had lunch 2 days ago told me that he had tested positive and was feeling awful.

I immediately self isolated myself in my own attic room, and informed my family that I was a 'close contact' of a confirmed COVID case. 

2 days later, after taking ART tests every day since he informed me, I tested positive.

I was prepared, and I am considered one of the lucky ones who had a case of mild COVID.

The number of vaccinations I took could have also have acted as a 'shield immunity' for my system as I had taken in total, 4 jabs. Let me elaborate.

On April 7th, I registered and took my first jab of Moderna.

6 days later, I came down with a bad case of hives and was almost warded in Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Fortunately my hives subsided after 3 days, after taking antihistamine and steroids to control the outbreak.

I then was put on a program by the MOH to take the Chinese Sinovac (2 doses) in August.

In September, when undergoing a routine blood test, my doctor advised me to take the annual 'flu vaccine which I readily did and paid for.

Hence, my opinion was that because I had 4 shots against COVID and 'flu which is also a coronavirus, I believe my system held up very well against this dreaded virus which has decimated millions of people around the world and led to untold economic hardship and struggles from China to all parts of the world.

My self isolation meant that I had to do the following :

a) No direct contact with anyone for up to 10 days.

b) All food and drink had to be in separate utensils and plates, cups which were separately washed.

c) On the 9th day, I managed to get a negative COVID test. Although it gave me the all clear to go out, I decided to stay away for 1 more day just to play it safe.

d) Hence I only resumed daily activities outside of my room from the 10th day onwards.

My thoughts about having the COVID : 

1. Singapore is a wealthy country and we have the means to keep the death rate low. We are indeed fortunate as we have funds to get the best vaccines, best medical care, and services to manage the pandemic.

2. I will never ever neglect to take my annual 'flu vaccine.

3. I have resolved to cut my drinking by 50% until it reaches a level of perhaps once a month.

    It currently is once every 2 weeks. This will not only manage my weight and also keep diabetes and other illnesses in check.

4. I resolve to remain as healthy by allocating one meal per day soley for fruits and vegetables 

5. I realise that I can deal with isolation pretty well, as I do not need physical presence as much as some other people who also need to be around people. My personality type is 

ENTJ - which is Commander and that means he who leads other people. 

Most commanders do not have the luxury of having many friends as they have to make many crucial decisions which affect the armies, companies with a very cold and calculated thought process wthich ultimately affects the lives of many of their solders and their employees.

I do enjoy the solitude of that 9 days. I am not totally in a cave with no access to the outside world. Far from it, but the fact that I do not desire the interpersonal presence of people as much as some in our society. The animal most associated with this is the Eagle. 

Going forward, I can advise whoever who reads this blog post to practice 

1. maintain a full vaccination status ; 

2. avoid going to crowded places

3. take the annual 'flu jabs

4. stay as healthy as you can possibly be. Your immune system is your first and last line of defence. Do not sabotage yourself by excessive drinking, partying, overwork or denying yourself sleep.

5. Minimise social interaction. We are still 70% on the recovery trend but not totally. So we need to be street smart and vigilant every single day.  

It is not worth catching this disease if you did not observe point no. 4 above.

Carpe Diem ! 


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Learning is a Life Long and Never Ending Process.

I manage a small business. Times are tough and business is not easy. We have been through ups and downs, and COVID endemic Singapore is pivoting into the new uncharted territories and my company is ready to take on the new challenges and opportunities.

I am thankful for the Government to make available, 2 training courses at practically zero cost to me in the last 2 years. 

1. SGUnited Skills Business and Digital Transformation Programme conducted by SMU Academy from 7 Oct 2020 till 6 July 2021.

2. SMU Innovation Program Cohort Innovative Mindset 
SMU Academy 6 March 2021 - 17 April 2021.

These 2 course have helped me take stock of where I was as a business owner. I had the tremendous opportunity to learn new things and apply new mindsets to pivot my business using the omni channel strategy to market our products and services worldwide.

The takeaways from these courses I will keep and more importantly, implement in the triumvurate of my mindset, my thought processes and my actions going forward.

The 2 courses and the people I have met recently have given me clarity of thought, solidified my values, made me change my old and bad habits and most importantly, shown me a path ahead which will ultimately lead my small business into (hopefully) many good things.

I will write about the takeaways in separate blog posts soon.

I have understood the true meaning of Lifelong Learning. 

I must never stand still and think that I have 'made it'. That is the biggest lie I will be telling to myself and those around me.

The journey of life is the reward. The accumulation of physical things like assets, property, awards and money along our lives is nothing more than rosettes to validate that we indeed made a mark in our own little biosphere. Pass on the knowledge and experience gained to the next generation to help make our complex world more equitable and less maleovent. We have only one precious earth to live in.

Suffering, change and life's challenges are inevitable. 

Learn  to adapt with those dynamic events. They help us grow in wisdom.

Help the disadvantaged, as with each act of kindness, we validate our existence to serve and continue to build on our capabilities. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Hwang Hee Chan - Remember this Name.

        Previously from Red Bull Salzberg 

In the summer, Wolves manager Bruno Lage secured the loan of this striker Hwang Hee Chan, from RB Salzberg. The option was also to make him a permanent transfer of BGP 14 milion after 1 season.

With 7 appearences under his belt, he has scored an AMAZING 4 (+1 disallowed against Everton) goals in the Premier League.

A versatile player who can shoot from both feet, I wasn;t impressed that they signed a South Korean player. Boy I was wrong. 

He is emerging to be a top class striker taking to the Premier League like a duck to water. He is big, strong, useful on both feet, unselfish (like a certain Diogo Jota) and can create as well as he can score goals.

His first came from a scramble at Vicarage Road (Watford home ground).

The next 2 came against Newcastle at Molineux.

The 4th goal came at Ellend Road (Leeds home ground) 

The 5th (disallowed) was a superb toe - in against Everton which was deemed to be offiside by VAR.

This boy is a great compliment to Raul Jiminez as they are both out and out strikers, with killer instinct and impeccable timing.

Wolves now have a potent strike force who can deliver the goods any day anytime against all opponents.

In their forwards department, they now have

a) Raul Jiminez

b) Hwang Hee Chan

c) Adama Traore

d) Francisco Trincao

e) Pedro Neto (injured)

f) Daniel Podence

As long as the back 3 are strong, with the likes of Coady, Saiss, Kilman, then their wingbacks of Semedo / Boly and Marcal / Dendoncker compliment the engine room boys of Neves and Moutinho.

 I predict Wolves to be in the top 4 by the end of the season to battle for Champions League place with the top clubs.



Monday, October 18, 2021

In trying times, the stalwarts of Wolves carry the day.

In stressful times, Wolves stalwarts came to the fore to save, nay win the day.

This is THE derby between Aston Villa and Wolves. For so long, Wolves had played second fiddle to Villa in the Midlands and this was something of a grudge match for Wolves.

I am but a fair weather fan who has seen the worst of times of this proud club, but I can safely say that club's the best days are ahead. I was wrong to write them off especially with Bruno Lage - a relatively unknown manager to me, but a Champion manager with Benefica and the Super Cup, I am ready to say I am totally wrong and quite hopeless as a forecaster.

The match was scrappy from start till end, testament to the fact that both sets of players wanted so badly to be the match winner. Boths sides had their share of the strikes at goal, but Villa struck twice, early in the second half.

First was a sweet header from a great cross by John McGinn and Danny Ings (ex- Southampton and current England striker) was there to head home pass Jose Sa.

The second goal was the result of a poor back pass by Hwang Lee Chang who stupidly gave away the ball to Villa striker Matt Targett, who shot and upon the richochet, John McGinn struck to the extreme left of Sa's goal. 

Villa 2 Wolves 0

Things were looking bleak for Wolves, but they had a never say die attitude.

Right on the 80th minute after a short corner, the ball came to Reuben Neves, who passed an inch perfect ball to Daniel Podence and his inswinger into Villa's final 3rd was sweetly met by who else, Romain Saiss, Wolves Moroccan defender with his outstretched left boot and passed the hapless Martinez.

On the stroke of the 85th minutes, from another corner, and set piece, the ball came to Podence (a masterstroke by Lage to put him ahead of Jiminez) who crossed the ball again, and left back Max Killman headed against the crossbar. That rattled the entire Villa defence and Killman got the ball back again, to pass it to Adama Traore. He deftly dribbled past 1 guy, attempted to appear he was going into the goal but sent an inch perfect pass again to Podence over the heads of 3 + 2 Villa players. That assist is my match winning play, the vision, the weight, the timing, are all the hallmarks of a worldclass player like Traore.

Podence lobbed the ball into the far end, and there was a mad scramble and Conor Coady, Wolves stalwart and England International was on had to scramble the ball into the net. Much to the dismay of the Villa defence who were in tatters.

At practically the last kick of the game, 95th minute, Reuben Neves hit a screamer of a shot at the Villa defence, it deflected one player and sent the keeper the wrong way to give Wolves a totally unbelievable lead 3  - 2 against the arch enemy !

One point I would like to state is that in crunch games when every kick and breath matters, who comes to the resuce ? The stalwarts. Those who have stayed with the club for 4 seasons or more. I take off my hat to them.

a) Reuben Neves - 5 Seasons

b) Romain Saiss - 5 seasons

c) Conor Coady - 9 seasons

They are the unsung heroes in my mind. 

And today they are basking in glory - which they so thoroughly deserve ! 



Saturday, October 16, 2021

There is a Time for Everything. Now is the time to be Brave.

The COVID 19 has hit Singapore's economy hard. People are reeling from the statistics that thousands are infected daily with the virus. Whilst a great percentage of them have very mild symptoms, the number of deaths have gone up, as a proportion of those who caught the virus.

Take for example, last year, we had a total of 32 deaths per 60,000 infected. Now, with the caseloads reaching 3,000 daily, we see everyday, deaths of people from all ages. 

Now is the time to be brave. Our Government has kept on flip flopping on the opening and shutting of the  economy, with dining restrictions ranging from 0 to 2 to 5, back to 0 then 5 then 2. There are too many clusters and asymptomatic carriers all over the place.

It makes for a bad  impression, as once we were held as a model for COVID-19 containment and control and now we are practically the highest in the world in terms of infection per 100,000 population.

Why did our Government drop the ball, and so badly ?

I don't have the answers only questions, and the sentiment on the ground, to put it mildly is sour.

So in this time of economic uncertainty, global warming and general gloominess, lets take stock of our 'lot'.

1.We have a very high percentage of fully vaccinated people (over 80% of the total population).

2. Many (slightly more than 98 %) will experience no or very mild symptoms if they catch it and they will recover, just like the common 'flu.

3.The 1.8% or so will need medical care, hospitalisation and oxygen. Some will require ICU attention and some will be overwhelmed by this disease and pass away. Whilst the majority of deaths are above 60 (I am perilously close to that "magic age") the overwhelming majority of cases had pre-existing co-morbidities so, their immune systems were weak to start with.

The COVID 19 was the tipping point of the equilibrium.

This makes for very sober reading as all of us, as we age will encounter illness, some mild and some life threatening. Cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure are the most common diseases which have established themselves into our everyday vocabulary.

So, what do we do ?

We need to study the science and decide for ourselves whether vaccines DO or DO NOT protect us from this terrible disease. For the most part, most reports conclude that they DO.

So, please go and get vaccinated.

We need to take charge of our own health.

1. East nutritious foods

2. Exercise regularly

3. Sleep well and have enough sleep

4. Go for our 'flu and 3rd booster jabs when they become due

5. Release stress as best as we can.

We need to be brave to carry out our daily chores and NOT be afraid to go about and do what must be done.

                                                    My did my annual 'flu jab recently  


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Belief - Words - Actions ; Hot Mike Aftermath

                           I may be illiterate but I am a man with a good heart 
Recently during a Parliament session, we watched with amusement when the PSP candidate was raising a point about the number of foreign employment in Singapore and whether Singaporeans benefitted or we actually disadvantaged by certain Free Trade Agreements.

During the back and forth of the debate, one minister uttered certain things which were cringeworthy about the Non Constituency MP's education and his comments were caught in the microphone which was not switched off.

"Illiterate, and lousy school" were the words uttered.

To be sure, many people were shocked at the utterance and this has ascertained that the MPs and Ministers of a certain party are elites and have all along held elitist views about people in general. Their mindset has always been as such and it is impossible to change that.

Well, since this is the Government we chose, we the people have to think carefully if indeed this is the kind of leaders we want to govern us.

Its not necessarily a bad thing, but empathy, compassion and walking a mile in the poor man's shoes are not what I would associate with the ruling party leaders. They mean well, by and large, but the bridge that divides the ruling and the ruled is one of class and wealth.

Time for a rethink ?  

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Living with the COVID - 19 in our society.

Recently, Singapore announced that it is preparing to handle COVID - 19 as an endemic. This means that with the population at roughly 80% vaccinated, we will be encountering up to several hundreds of cases each day.   

This means in a nutshell, the employment of some or all of the following, proactive swab testing, speedy and accurate test results, society generally has to cooperate and agree to be tracked through AI and TraceTogether, quarantine orders, stay home notices, community hospitals and dedicated care facilities for the sick. Limits to the number of people gathering for all manner of social events. Travel will be slowly restarted and will never be the same again.

 All these  will set into the mindsets sooner or later for our population.

The faster we accept these infringements to our civil liberties, the quicker life can return to some semblance of the past.

All in the name of healthy recovery for both the population at large and very importantly, the economy. 

Now We are Free - Title Song of Gladiator

Sunday, August 22, 2021

A fast run to end a rather uneventful week.

 Today's run was eventful for a variety of reasons, I was waiting with frustration for some delivery of our company's equipment, which was delayed by several weeks. As I was in a no-win situation, I decided not to dwell on the negative but rather focus on the positive for the week.

The new office renovations were dragging on. Fortunately we should be able to kickstart Phase 2 of the office renovation, put in all our equipment which were meant to be there in the first place and get on with my plan of action. All this SHOULD start and finish within the next 2 to 3 weeks. although based on experience, shit happens, and I need to find a shovel handy to clear that because no one else in the company is capable or has the means to do so.

Back to this evening's run. I decided to forgo my weekly karate session, as I am waiting for the 14 days lapse after my 2nd Sinovac vaccination before I can be certified fully vaccinated. This means, that I can afford to go out and dine at restaurants, malls, everywhere where there is covered or airconditioned dining. Such is the tough regulations meant to control the spread of the dreaded COVID 19 Delta Variant. Everyone needs to play his or her part.

I started at the Ski360 roundabout and went about at a  hard clip of 6.45 min / km. I pushed all the way, as it was a cool evening with few walkers, strollers,cyclists or other joggers. Just my perfect run environment !

At the 4 km mark, I decided to stop for a pitstop (near the Singapore Sailing Centre). After catching my breath, I continued again at roughly the same pace as the first 4 km.

At around the 7.2 km mark, I detected a twinge on my left hamstring and decided that was the end of the run. I was hoping to hit 8km but 7.2 km was acceptable, given that I was still recovering from a ITBL ligament injury which affected my mood somewhat.

The stats :

Average pace : 6 :43 min per km

Maximum pace : 5 :25 min per km

Duration : 48 mins. 15 seconds

Distance : 7.2 km.

I am enjoying the endorphine rush which comes from having partaken in a hard run to end the week, and having run fast enough to convince me that I can still run at a reasonable speed.

Carpe Diem my friends. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Athletic Test Chamber. Presenting QRA's World Class Athletic Chamber with O2 control up to 5000 m in Australia

                       QRA's Athletic Chamber in Australian University                                                                                         2019

Research has shown the last 10 -15 years that training in High Altitude and then competing in Low altitude can enhance the physical endurance of elite athletes by up to 30%.

This means that middle to long distance runners, swimmers, and all athletes who are looking to boost  their performance (soccer players, rugby players, basketball etc) should employ this as part of their training regimen.

                                   Installing the Evaporator Fan Unit

It is reported that the great Michael Phelps sleeps in an altitude tent at 3000 m simulated Oxygen level or about 16.5% O2. The normal atmospheric O2 is 20.9% and the remainder gases are N2 (Nitrogen) at 78%. The rest of the atmospheric gases are CO2, NO2 and plentiful lesser known gases.

                                                The Simple Control Panel

In 2017, my company QRA was awarded the contract to provide Australia's first Athletic Test Chamber. Spanning 4.5 m x 4.5 m x 4.0 m, it is capable of performing the following parameters with 2 elite runners and 2 research scientists in attendance.

Temperature : 0  to 50 C

Humidity : 15 to 95%

O2          : 0 to 5000 m 

              Full sports scientific research inside QRA Athletic Chamber


Monday, August 9, 2021

World's Best Sushi - Kyubey Keio Plaza (6 F) Shinjuku Japan ) Oct 2014


The rather unpretentious sign outside Keio Plaza on the 7th Floor (Kyubey entrance) 

I am a rather easy going eater. Though my wife is the connoisseur of the of the family, I am the lucky recipient of her fussy tastes. This trip some years ago to Tokyo, Japan brings back wonderful memories of our little dining escapades in October 2014.

I did some days of research and it is no wonder that Tokyo, is the epicentre of GREAT sushi (no wonder, the country of origin must have the best and most tasty, right ? Like Portuguese Egg Tarts are best in Madrid, and the Shanghai Xiao Long Bao tastes wonderful in where else, Shanghai.)     

We happened to stay in the Shinjuku district and I tried unsuccessfully to contact the restaurant. On the day we arrived, I recall, after checking into our hotel room, it was a drizzly autumn evening and I said, "lets go and try our luck".

So using the omnipresent Google Maps to guide us, we walked some 3 blocks to the nearby 5 star  Keio Hotel and went to the 6th Floor. The lift landing led us out to the courtyand and on the left there was the rather plain looking sign stating "Sushi" in English and Japanese. I guess when your restaurant is world famous, you do not need much marketing and snazzy signs or even advertisements via Google, FB. The influencers will do all the marketing for the restaurant or eating establishment !

I went up to the front counter and in my broken Japanese enquired whether they had any dining as we had come all the way from Singapore to try the world famous Kyubey sushi !
(Their Michelin starred restaurant is located in Ginza business district and this is one of their branches in Shinjuku district).

Much to my surprise they said, "Hai !, but no sushi counter table, only dining table'. Beggers cant be choosers and we were motioned to a small table for 2 near the entrance.

                   The Omakase Sushi Set is as shown above - 'Sensational' !  

I have never tasted better sushi before or ever since 

We ordered the Omakase Sushi Plate (Chef's special at his discretion), what you see above.
Oh my word ! One bite and I knew that this was sushi heaven. The taste of the incredibly fresh fish, the tuna, yellow tail, tuna belly octopus, Uni (sea anemone) was indescribable. The wasabi was garnished straight from the root, the light soya sauce and the ginger garnishing were all perfect.

Fresh from the sushi master's hands the taste was to me, something like Manna (food from heaven). The warmth of the sushi after being squeezed and formed just right still resonates in my conciousness. I was chuffed ! Stunned into sushi bliss.    

Whatever little reservations I had about making the effort to get to Kyubey were all thrown out the window. 

The sashimi was another masterpiece 

The sashimi and the grilled Yakitori were also truly exceptional. I recall having a nice warm Sake to dissipate my jet lag (7 hours from S'pore) and my satisfied blissful picture shows me at the point - in sushi heaven.

            Grilled Cod with Japanese Sweet Sauce and Garnishing 

If you are ever in Tokyo, MUST TRY Kyubey - do let me know your opinion ! 

Sudoku Beginner Tips - Gentle Sudoku Aug 9th 2021


How to Solve Daily Telegraph 'Diabolical Sudoku' 9th Aug 2021


How to Solve Daily Telegraph Diaboloical Sudoku using Gwendolin's Thread. (Easy Method)

Saturday, August 7, 2021

A hard run followed by extreme satisfaction ; thats the story of me.


Yesterday I got off work around 6 pm and proceeded to Dawson Place for a short run. I have been plagued of late by the Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), which is a strain on the ligament running to the left side of my knee. As I result,  I had to rest myself and put off my favorite activity - running - for 2 over weeks.

 It was a torture. I felt awful during those 2 weeks, out of sorts, and feeling that something was missing from my life.

Yesterday's run started at the Dawson Heights BTO flats and I ran all the way to Robertson Quay and turned back. All in all, a total distance of 5.36 km. There were all manner of people, on bicycles, running, walking, people out in strollers with their kids and even rollerbladers. I guess Singaporeans and all the residents living here are so sick of the lockdown and being cooped at home for 4 weeks. In the evenings with no where else to go, what better way to unwind than to go out for a stroll, a cycle, blade, or a run ? 

The lockdown of 4 weeks + 2 weeks of opening up + another 3. 5 weeks of lockdown was pretty stifling and mind numbing. Fortunately on 10th August, we can resume dining and socialising outdoors, as the G has mandated that we are almost reaching the 80% overall vaccination threshold and can relax certain social restrictions.

Back to my run, I recall weaving in and out of people, with faster runners outpacing me, and stopping for at least 4 zebra crossings and 2 lights on each leg forward and return. 

When I stopped my Polar recording I was pleasantly surprised with the findings. 

In the 5.36 km which I did, with my pushing all the way, I  am really satisfied with the result, and this run perfectly sums up my attitude  and effort put in to my life - in short, push hard, play fair and never give up. 

It will be a nice reward at the end,as seen in the results from my handtimed run pacer Polar watch. 


Very fast 1 km run start

For me, at this stage in life, I still am pushing hard, playing fair, feeling the strain and never giving up. At the end of this - I hope to find, like my short run yesterday, immense satisfaction that I had indeed seized the day. 

Best Lap (1km) of 6 : 08. Average lap of 6 : 47.6.

Not bad for an 'old guy' :)

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...