Saturday, August 12, 2017

The verdict of the 'table sharing' incident in Toa Payoh Central Hawker Centre

The couple who bullied and shoved the old man off the table have been dealt with in the courts. Last week, they were fined a total of S$ 2,700.

In April this year, they were videotaped by handphone of verbally abusing an elderly man at a hawker centre in Toa Payoh. The lady on the right of the photo was upset that an elderly man wanted to share a table, after verbally abusing him, she called her partner who 'bumped' or shoved him from behind and caused him to lose his balance and nearly fall. 

In our fast paced and stressful society, lets try our very best to make it a gracious one ; when we point fingers at other people for ungracious behavior, look at ourselves first in the mirror. 

"Let  he who is sinless cast the first stone"  - Jesus said to the high priests who were about to stone a woman caught for adultery, this was a passage in the bible from Roman times. 

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