Saturday, January 28, 2017

Anna and Geoffrey Abisheganaden Pictures throughout the years

 My Dad on left with the late Prof Chau Shih Ching senior pathologist at SGH

          Here are some old photos of my Mum and Dad over the years. This batch of photos shows them at the Medico-Legal dinner held by SGH every year. Our family was good friends with Prof. Chau Shih Ching and family. Every year they would come to our parent's place for lunch and there would be lots of laughter and merriment. Prof. Chau was a real joker and his jokes knew no boundaries. Being the Chief Pathologist at the S'pore General Hospital was a very taxing job and of course, once he was off work he would crack all kinds of jokes to his closest friends and family. The days of togetherness are gone, but I sincerely hope to have this same kind of crackling laughter and joy each and every Chinese New Year in the days and years to come.

Anna with Dr Tan Ser Kiat formerly CEO at SGH

      My mother was a fabulous host, she was warm hearted,and so was my father. They were a gregarious couple who hosted great and joyous parties at our family home for more than 2 decades. The dishes she used to 'make' (actually the maid at that time) were the potato cutlet and fish curry. Then she would buy things like roast duck, 'fa chai'  and mushroom. The rest of the food would be brought over by family friends. Mrs. Chau would make a very good Carrot Cake which she would painstakingly deliver to our houses every year without fail. Thank you Mrs. Chau !  

Mum with her Jazz Ballet Classmates

Mum and Dad circa 1986

       In the later years (when my Dad was weak in the legs), we would more often than not, go out to dine for the Chinese New Year get together, our favourite restaurant of choice would be the Li Bai Chinese Restaurant at Sheraton Towers. Till today, I still go and purchase their Radish Cake from the very affable Head Maitre'D Ms. Michelle who remembers me each year with a cheery "Happy New Year Mr. Mark !".  The other restaurant where my Dad loved to dine was the Imperial Treasures at Takashimaya. 

Mum and Dad dirca 2005 

      We must never forget our families and where we came from ; as the family is the bedrock of all societies. As an Asian society, we have a duty to keep family ties and bonds strong, so that going forward, our children may take reference to continue to uphold the family name and keep alive the tradition of filial piety and family bonding.    

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