Saturday, January 28, 2017

Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones 1971 Performance at Top of the Pops.

          This song has been playing non-stop in my car's CD ; the Stones are a class act. Anti-establishment from the word go without offending or insulting the ordinary listener. They have always been inspired by the Rhythm and Blues and infusing their 'in-your-face' attitudes and lyrics, have been at the top of the Rock and Roll charts for 4 decades. The secret of their staying power ?   "Its only Rock and Roll but I like it."  Easy going bad boys who are perfectionist in their music craft, hard working individuals, slave driving task masters and all round rambunctuous party animals who epitomised the 60s and early 70s Woodstock anti-establishment mood.

         Individually they are great musicians, Mick Jagger, the ugly frontman oozes charm and sex appeal is a great singer. Keith Richards, the lead guitarist is the epitome of coolness with a cigarette in his mouth even while sleeping. Ronnie Wood the bass guitar is Muppet like in looks but very talented string man, Charlie Watts is the drum maestro, Bill Wyman the shy looking bass guitar and Brian Jones.  

         Now, they're are best remembered for their tuneful R and B sounds and great lyrics. My all time best Band in the World.  Long live the Rolling Stones  !! 



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