Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Parc Guell - a second look

At the hilltop there is this tree... 

         Here are more pictures of our visit to Parc Guell. The part of the park which is free leads us up the hilltop and one gets a panoramic view of Barcelona to the south.To get there take the Metro to either Vallcacra (no disabled ramps, so its impossible for people requiring assistance) or Lesseps. Once there follow the signs which are in both Spanish and English. A funny anecdote I can relate, when we reached near the top of the hill, we saw signs directing us to either the hilltop or Parc Guell. There was a cartoon picture of the Donald Trump with the words "idioto" (idiot) below it ! His name has spread far and wide and creating all kinds of new emotions and outlooks, possibly aspirations. Love him or hate him, he is now the new POTUS (President Of The US).   

The steep road leading up to Parc Guell

      The view from the top of Parc Guell is simply stunning, the city is well laid out and you can view Mount Montjuic in the distance. To the south there is Barcelona beach and the Mediterranean sea. I would say that Barcelona is fascinating for many reasons. The famous architectural works of Gaudi and Miro, plus works from Picasso (there is the Picasso Museum) and  the fabulous tapas. (Wacth your waistlines folks ! I ran 2 times in the early morning just to burn off all the added kilo). The latin spirit and culture is very strong as reflected by their Flamenco dance as well as their football (tika tika ; Barcelona football club is amongst the world's best). 

View from the top of the hill at Parc Guell

      Spain is still recovering from the 2008 world financial crisis while there are homeless people and plenty of petty thieves, the ordinary folk still have a strong resolve to carry on with life. Catalonians are famous for their business industry mainly in F and B. The leather goods industry is still humming for Spain and some of their boutique designs have become global brands (Camper, Zara and Desigual to name a few). The typical Catalonian is very proud of his heritage, and the welcome is very hospitable. 

      Regarding the petty thefts, I was the victim of a phone pickpocket, and tourists like us stand out like beacons so visitors are well advised to a) separate their money and credit cards to several places, perhaps keeping threequarters in the hotel safe  and carry only a little and 1 card like I did  b) bring along your old phone (if it is still working). Youtube is  full of videos and stories of 25 to 30% of all tourists having their phones and wallets lifted by professional thieves. c) Wear a waist pouch and keep it hidden under your vest at all times. 
d) where possible, stay clear of Al Fresco (open air) dining where my phone was swiped from under my nose after I placed it on the table for only 2 minutes !  e) Never put your wallet at the back pocket or carry a handbag ; these are open invitations to thieves to come and take it ! f) Keep your passport, most cash and most credit cards in the hotel.  g) Always be vigilant ; if you drink, drink in moderation as they can spot a tipsy tourist a mile off and then you are targetted. The thieves work in teams of 2 to 5 so be warned. 

Washerwoman motif in Parc Guell 

     I personally saw 2 incidents where the victim was chasing after the thief, 1 pair ran right next to me just one feet away. And the next night I became the victim.  

    So, in a nutshell, Barcelona is beautiful and charming. But watch your valuables 110%.

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