Monday, January 30, 2017

No. 11 Paris in April 2017. Can I do it ? Dare I do it ?

Once in a lifetime goal 

     I have a Big Hairy Ambitious Goal (BHAG) like what the Creative boss (Mr. Sim Wong Hoo) once said, target it, spell it out in public and then go ahead and do it. The Schneider Paris marathon is a dream goal for me, having run 10 marathons since today, I want to shoot for No. 11. My training so far has been shambolic, and can effectively do 10 km. I have 2 months and 2 weeks. Its time to get going !!  

    Its time to lace on those shoes, train 4 to 5 times a week, regardless of the aches and pains and shoot for the best time of my life. There is no tomorrow, and no what ifs. 

    I do not seek anybody's approval, except my body and my willpower to make it happen.


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