Thursday, January 19, 2017

Take it to the Limit - My Favourite Eagles song ; In memory of Glenn Frey

There are times when I question my mortality and the collective conciousness which shaped my growing up years all of the people, the activities and music of the  70s and the 80s. It seems like so many of them are gone in a flash. A real wake up call to all of us Baby Boomers. Life has been good, but let us reflect and see what we have truly contributed to this world, it could be children, some good you have passed on to the next generation, some art works, music, the list goes on. I rarely remember the many good acts, small and large by people and the nasty behaviors of people stick out. My 2017 goal is to be more magnaminuous and look beyond the petty. 

Money is nothing more than a commodity for us to live and exist.   More of it may improve our happiness and the lack of it will surely impinge on our so called 'quality of life'. Stop and look around you. 

Are you alive ? 

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