Monday, January 23, 2017

With the new US President - welcome to the new normal


The  'Bubble Man' at Hotel de Ville. The 'bubble' pops in no time

        4 days ago, the 45th US President, Donald Trump was sworn in at Capitol Hill.  There have been numerous articles and posts on the disruptive President who capitalised on the US citizen's anger at the effects that globalization has on US workers and how standards of living has dropped over the last few decades for the American citizen. The so-called American dream has become a nightmare for many, and Mr. Trump has promised to "Make America Great Again MAGA"

     Such talk has alarmed the world's political leaders. References of Trump's administration to the Nazi Germany National Socialist party are uncalled for. One great switch in outlook in my humble opinion, is that the US President appears to be inward looking and talking trade protectionism whilst President Xi Jing Ping has now started championing globalization (at the Davos World Economic Forum ; tagline : to make the world a better place)  and its good effects in alleviating poverty worldwide. 

    We truly live in uncertain times. Populist Governments pursuing populist policies for short term benefits will be detrimental in the long run. I am just a small fry but the New World Order or whatever it is evolving into is not comforting to me and many hundreds of millions of people in US and all over the world.

   May 2017 be a watershed year. Sacred cows will be slaughtered, the international press may not be independent after all. 

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