Thursday, January 26, 2017

Chinese New Year Traditions and Activities 2 - Oranges, Ang Pow, Feasting and Gambling.

Andrew beside the dinner 

        The symbolic meanings of the Chinese New Year, firstly the giving of oranges which look or symbolise gold. So it is the sharing of the fortune from family to family, or between friends.
        The red packet or 'hong bao' means literally to give out wealth. Normally married people give the 'hong bao' to the unmarried people as a means of spreading the wealth. The young in return have to say good wishes to the elder people such as 'nian nian you yu' which means 'each year will have more', 'shen ti jian kang' which means good health, 'wan shi ru yi' meaning the business will be 1000 times better and 'bu bu gao shen' which means step by step improvement in the studies and whatever endeavours.

The tempting spread of the food 

As mentioned in an earlier post, the Reunion dinner is a very important one in every Chinese family and all the family members make special effort to come back, at least once every year for this most important and auspicious event. Everyone will then update each other on the events of their own lives, and there will be obligatory questions such as 'when are you going to get married ?' to the singletons and 'when is the baby due ?' to the already married. During the early years when I was single, my Aunties Mina and Mona (especially) would pinch our cheeks mercilessly and ask us "where is your girlfriend ?" and other probing emmbarrasing questions which my brother and I would stutter and stammer before they would produce the much sought after 'hong bao'. 

The obligatory photo before the 'makan' (eating)

      Nowadays as the 'giver' of 'hong baos', we are more forgiving with the 'strawberry generation' of youngsters and let them off after they recite the good tidings to us elders. The keeping of traditions and the Chinese culture is very strong in our family, and I would like this values, respect for elderly, giving of the wealth and good wishes to everyone to be replicated as we move on in life. Times in the globalised world are more uncertain and there is the rise of populist leaders such as Trump and Duerte (Philippines) who are seeking to be 'dirsuptive' in their spheres of influence. It is unnerving to say the least, but as long as there are the constants of family, friends and our beliefs, we will be alright. 

Uncle Jimmy,Andrew,Aunty Shirley and Noel 

        Gambling is another common activity especially amongst the Chinese community. Fortunately for us, it is not very popular amongst our friends, as this activity can lead to compulsion. Gambling is and can be very addictive. Of course, occasional and social gambling amongst friends and family just adds spice and 're nao' to the occasion, so it is a once a year duration for many of us. 'Ban Lak' or blackjack is normally the game of choice amongst the revellers. 

Our family with Por Por 

At Clifford Pier Hotel 

As the new year draws to an end, may I wish all visitors to this blogspot, a Happy New Year of the Rooster ! May this be a tremendous year for you  personally and professionally. 

Bring on 2017 !!!  

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