Sunday, January 1, 2017

Paris Dec 2016 ; Cold yet Sunny

Man blowing giant bubbles outside Hotel de Ville

        Its been 2 weeks since our holiday in Europe, and while home is Singapore, the feel good factor of the holiday has yet to wear off. Maybe its because the new 2017 hasn't set itself upon us and many of our customers are away during the 2 week Christmas - New Year period. Whatever it is, it is a welcome break for me after 2 tough years of struggling through days and nights of installation and commissioning of some latest equipment for our Singapore customers. 

         A church of the gothic era in the last swathe of sunlight

          The worst is behind us and the best is yet to be ; I know who exactly are my friends and who are fair weathered ; so I am counting my blessings that we are still in the business of environmental simulation but with new customers in brand new territories and with brand new applications.   

Now we know how the giant potted plants got so high up !

    Singapore's days as a manufacturing hub are over ; what is left is only advanced manufacturing, IT multimedia services, and defence technology. The oil and gas sector, the shipping sector, the automation sector, the 'bricks and mortar' have all migrated since 2010 and we are left with banking, medical technology, infrastructure, sports,aerospace and defence. It is a tough restructuring of the economy and everybody has felt or are reeling of the effects of it. The Trans Pacific Partnership with the US as the driver is on its way out ; UK has left the EU and globalization has taken a knock. Terrorism has been on the minds of everybody since 2014 and airports and train stations have undergone tremendous changes with many CCTV cameras being installed everywhere, including in the sky.    

May looking radiant with the Louve and the Seine in the background

      My wish for 2017 is to sell off my stock of equipment, get into a relevant new field of business in new territories, make a decent profit and cut costs to absolute minimum. And keep a clean bill of health. My wish for my 2 sons is that they grow into fine young men with their heads firmly in place and feet on the ground. Working hard is not enough nowadays, the young need to have the right skillsets and mindsets to work in the new age. Coding of apps is all the rage ; millionaires are now in Fintech, software development and essential medical services. 

     Bring it On 2017 !    

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