Sunday, January 1, 2017

The First Years 10 ; Por Por (Grandmother)

L to R : Me, Por Por, John and Mum (Anna)

    This is a priceless picture of me with my maternal grandmother Por Por Wen and my mother Anna. This was probably taken in 1975 some 42 years ago during one of our earliest swim meets representing Singapore Swimming Club in the Sanya Sammaki Tournament around the ASEAN region.  

      My sprightly Por Por was about 80 years old when she passed away. She stayed with my parents in our bungalow in Adis Road for roughly around 10 to 11 years when she suffered a stroke. She had 5 children, 4 daughters (My mother Anna and 3 younger sisters Dona, Mina and Mona Wen) and 1 son (my Kao Fu David Mun) from her marriage to P.C.Wen and 1 other son Gordon from her second marriage.

    I will read up and research more about her and update all in this and further posts.

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