Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Randy Meisner - 70 seriously ??

Randy Meisner and wife Lana Rey Meisner - 2016

     In an earlier post I had the song "Take it to the Limit" sung by Randy Meisner, lead bassist of the Eagles in 1977. He looked so youthful then, he must have been 30 or 31 then. In March 2016 there was this shocking news that his wife had accidently shot and killed herself . Then I had another shock, Randy looks so old in the photo. Time and tide waits for no man.  Aging gracefully is God's gift, looking younger than your years is a tremendous blessing and staying healthy is the best gift you can give to yourself.   

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To counter the loss of flexibility and balance on the onset of old age. practice martial arts or yoga

  I have said it before and I will say in again. After 55, everything in our bodies starts to fall apart. The best case scenario is for us t...